Userlane Content Analytics

Content Analytics

Evaluate how different users interact with your Userlane content and get live engagement insights on your Guides, Announcements, and Tooltips.

Why use it

Use the analytics to

  • measure your content performance

  • find content that needs optimization

  • analyze Guides, Announcements, and Tooltips in-depth

The table below provides you with a high-level overview of Userlane Content Analytics with links to dive deeper as needed:

Goal Metrics
Userlane Content OverallUsers view and interact with Userlane contentViews
Content Types

GuidesUsers start Guides and can complete them

Overall Performance

Individual Performance

Analytics Error Log

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AnnouncementsUsers view and interact with  Announcements

Overall Performance

Individual Performance

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TooltipsUsers view and interact with  Tooltips

Overall Performance

Individual Performance

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