Release Note - Announcement API

Release Demo

What is new

We are excited to announce the expansion of our API export functionality to include announcement data. With this update, you can now collect more comprehensive data on users' views and interaction with your announcements. 

There are two event types provided in the Annoucement API: 

  • AnnoucementViewed: this event type is triggered when an Announcement is displayed to a user
  • AnnouncementInteracted: this event type is triggered when a user clicks on a button or link within the Announcement

In addition, each event will include metadata to help you understand viewer behaviour:

  • Timestamp: the time the event occurred
  • User: the ID of the user who viewed or interacted with the announcement
  • Announcement ID: the unique identifier for the announcement

The expanded REST API functionality is available now, and we are excited to see the insights our users will gain from this new data.

How to find it

Find more information here: Getting Started with Enduser Events (

ℹ️ Announcement events are created as a separate API call. It provides you with events and a User ID, if you want additional information about the User ID, please use our EndUser API

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