Userlane Cookies

About Userlane cookies

While providing services to end users, the Userlane Digital Adoption Platform may place several essential Cookies on an end user’s browser. The number is determined based on:

  • End user's permissions. For example, additional Cookies will be placed on the end user’s web browser if the end user authenticates to the Portal (see the wiki documentation on Userlane Portal roles for more information).
  • Userlane configuration. For example, additional Cookies may be placed if analytics is enabled.

Essential Cookies are used for required processing to allow for the measurement and improvement of digital adoption on specific applications. For the avoidance of doubt, this processing is required to provide the Userlane service and is covered by Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR, which does not require active consent from the end user.

List of Cookies

Here is a summary of all Cookies and LocalStorage items that Userlane’s embeddable frontend package (userlane.js) might store on the user’s device.

NameTypePurposeStorage DurationRequired
userlane-contextCookieStoring status of the UI and related context of Userlane5 minutesYes
userlane-app-sessionCookieStoring status of Userlane analytics session30 minutesOnly when HEART analytics is enabled
userlane-userCookie Identify the user to show consistent status of content (e.g. mark guide as done)5 yearsOnly in cases when no user identifier is passed into the Snippet
userlane-assistant-contextLocalStorageStoring status of the UI and related context of UserlaneindefinitelyYes
AUTH_SESSION_ID Cookie (third-party)Storing the user authentication session ID.SessionYes (if end user has access to the Portal)
KEYCLOAK_IDENTITYCookie (third-party)Storing a token used to verify the identity of the user.SessionYes (if end user has access to the Portal)
KEYCLOAK_SESSION Cookie (third-party)Storing information about the user session.SessionYes (if end user has access to the Portal)

Detailed information on the cookies and local storage items listed above:

NameDetailed information

It has two purposes:

  1.  When starting a guide on domain A, Userlane saves information about the current guide (e.g. guide ID, current step index, etc.) inside this Cookie. When the user switches to domain B while playing the guide, Userlane initially doesn’t know anything about the current guide because it’s a new environment. This Cookie informs Userlane about the current context so that the guide can be continued seamlessly. 

  2. Show the Userlane Editor for end users who create and manage content across different pages or domains. When the end user opens the Editor on page or domain A, the information that the Editor is open is stored in this Cookie. When the end user switches to page or domain B, the end user can continue working in the Editor from the same section.

It contains app session information which is used for Userlane-related analytics. With this Cookie, the app analytics events can be aggregated and assigned correctly. It is stored in a Cookie so the user session can be tracked correctly.

This cookie is only used for a special implementation case when there is no user ID passed within the snippet. In this case, Userlane generates a random ID and stores this ID in this cookie. It is used so the Userlane assistant can show the end user the correct progress (e.g. played guides or announcements already shown).

It contains information about the state of the Assistant. For example, the user can move the Userlane Assistant to different positions by dragging and dropping it around. This position (e.g., “bottom-right”) is stored in this local storage entry so that the Assistant can be displayed correctly for each user based on their preference.

It contains the ID of the authentication session for a user during the authentication process. It is used by Keycloak to identify the user in the authentication flow (e.g., after the user has typed the email, before the password is typed).

It contains an authentication token for an authenticated user in the format of JWT (JSON Web Token). It contains information about the user, its authorization roles, and other information useful for the application to determine and identify the user and its permissions.

It contains the ID of the session for an authenticated user. It is used by Keycloak to determine if a user is logged in.


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