Release Note - Adoption Page

07 November 2022

What's new

Within Userlane Analytics you will be able to see new useful metrics in the Adoption page, now you would be able to check how many (expected) users are visiting your application and how widely they use. 

How to find it

Sign into Portal > Analyze > Heart Analytics > Adoption

In more details, the user number is the key metric you need to measure. With this metric, you can see how many users arrived and you can track this number compared to the ratio of the expected number of users. You will also see the percentage of new users and you will be able to understand if your users are declining or if they are remaining stable or growing. Thus, with this metric, you would be able to understand your application’s coverage and how widely users use it. 

ℹ️ For getting access to the Adoption page under your Analyze tab, please contact your customer success manager.

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