Release Note - UX improvements within Guides

21 March 2022

What’s New

We have released the UX improvement to the step analytics to provide you with more insights into user engagement and Guides' performance

The step details page will show the number of users that have reached each step in the Guide. Adding to the existing metrics of how many times any step was shown, you will also see how many unique users saw any step in the selected period or for the selected user segment.

New metrics added:

  • Users: Number of users that reached each step.
  • From previous steps: Value indicates how many times a step was shown following previous steps.
  • Back from next steps: Value indicates how many times a step was shown when users went to a previous step.
  • Skips: Value indicates how many times an optional step was skipped.
  • Error exits: Guide exits due to occurring errors.

ℹ️ You will be able to check how many users reached or dropped off on a certain step. If many users drop your Guide(s) then that’s a clear sign to review the content or reassess the complexity of your Guide(s).

Where is this located? 

These new metrics can be found within the step details section of the Guides’ performance analytics page.

ℹ️ These changes are effective on all properties that are on the EU cluster setup. We are working now on getting these changes to the US cluster as well.

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