Release Note - New Portal navigation

What is new

We are thrilled to announce a significant improvements to the navigation experience within our Portal. Let's dive into the exciting changes:

- Sidebar: Instead of the horizontal navigation all options are now in the new sidebar that enables you to seamlessly navigate trough the Portal

-  Settings location change: In our new navigation all settings options, e.g. Application URLs, Team, Personal Profile can be found when clicking on the settings icon. 

- Sign out button: It is now located under the settings icon.

- Switching between apps: Easily change applications you are operation in from the sidebar.

- Search: You can search through the side bar options.

- Your multi-application dashboard: Click on the Userlane logo to go to your dashboard

- Subpages: For example "Guide analytics" have been replaced with tabs so that they are easily discoverable.

- Contact us: Option to contact us is in a new contact form in our Assistant. 

- Userlane roadmap: Now our roadmap is located in the footer. 

How to find it

Log in to your Portal and you will see a sidebar on every page.

ℹ️ While some changes may not currently be visible in the Portal, they should be implemented within the next two weeks. 

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