Announcement analytics

Why use it

Use the Announcement Analytics to understand how your notifications are performing and how to optimize the experience.

Views and interactions

How many users saw your announcements?

Any of the following events would be considered an Announcement view:

  • announcement was automatically opened via an announcement prompt or opened intentionally by the user

  • announcement(s) were pushed to users and popped up automatically (one announcement push could include multiple announcements if you have more than one active at once)

💡 The number of Views could include the same user multiple times, while the Unique Views will only count a unique user once.

How many users interacted with your announcement?

Any of the following events would be considered an Announcement interaction:

  • Guides started: a Guide was started from an Announcement 

  • Links clicked: a link was clicked from an Announcement

💡 The number of Interactions could include the same user multiple times, while the Unique Interactions will only count a unique user once. 


Here, you will be able to find performance metrics for each individual announcement that you have published. 

Announcement analytics details list 

Next to each of your announcements, you will see the image that was included with the announcement (if applicable), as well as the announcement's current status:

  • green dot: announcement is currently live
  • grey dot: announcement was used or is in draft mode


Interaction Rate

Each announcement has a calculated Interaction rate:

Interaction rate = (Unique Interactions / Unique Views) * 100


Best Practices

There are valid reasons for a low Interaction rate. Find here concrete tips what to consider then.

  • The Announcement did not include a link or direct the user to begin a guide. 

    • Action: Consider the purpose of your Announcement.

If your goal was to simply relay information to your users, then the best metric for you to use is the number of views your Announcement has, rather than referencing its interaction rate. If your goal was to have the user start a Guide, try including the Guide in the Announcement.

  • The announcement did direct the user to a guide, but not many users actually started the guide from the announcement. Note that the included guide will not appear to any users who are not included in the segmentation for that guide. 

    • Action: Try checking the segmentation that has been applied to the guide and make sure that the users who are viewing the announcement are also users who you would like to begin the included guide.

  • The announcement was pushed at the same time as other announcements. The users may not see or read through all of them. 

    • Action: Try staggering your announcements apart so that the users do not become overwhelmed with them all at once. Don't forget to consider how frequently your users log into your application. They will not see the announcement until they log in, regardless of the announcement publish date.

  • You have reused an old announcement (you published an announcement, set it to private, and later published it again). Since announcements will only be pushed to a Unique user once, repurposing old announcements will not trigger a pop up for any user who had already viewed the old announcement in the past. 

    • Action: Instead of reusing old announcements, try duplicating the old one or creating a new one from scratch.

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