Release Note - URL parameters in HEART

What is new

We are excited to announce the latest improvement to our analytics. The HEART analytics displayed application URLs by removing everything after the "?" character, commonly known as parameters. This made it easier to see the URLs in a clean way.

However, in certain applications, the parameter section of the URL contains essential information about your application. We have implemented a solution to display the parameter part in these specific cases while keeping the URLs clean where they are not needed. This should improve your URL display so that you can know which parts of your application are being used.

Please be aware that not all scenarios may be covered. We encourage you to provide us with feedback and inform us of any aspects we might have overlooked.

How to find it

To find this URL table, just visit Adoption or Engagement section of your HEART.

  • HEART analytics > Adoption > Table "Pages your users visited"
  • HEART analytics > Engagement > Table "Time spent per page"

ℹ️ This change is released and will take effect on the URLs from this moment onward. We plan to improve the historic data as well, which will happen in the second half of the August. 

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