T - Task Success

About Task Success

The Task Success Rate will help you measure user interaction with tasks and interesting elements to be aware if users complete tasks or interact with important features easily and efficiently.

It enables you to tag and measure the usage of the specific elements/features in your underlying app. Upon, tagging in our Editor important elements show the process. (e.g. “submit” button, “save”, “finish” or anything that indicates an important interaction with the engaged element) you will understand:

  • What percentage of your user base is doing tasks/interacting with these important elements?

  • Are important parts of your app being used? 

  • How many users interact with your killer feature?

Why use it

Task Success shows if users are able to successfully complete predefined processes.

A low Task Success Rate indicates a broken business process and potential to reduce support effort and increase productivity.

A high Task Success Rate has big impact on your business results: 

  • Lower support cost
  • Higher productivity
  • Reduce usage mistakes

How is it calculated?

Sessions that had interactions with Tags / all engaged Sessions = Task Success Score

Best Practices

Here are our Tips for Task Success: 

1. Consider our recommendations when setting up your Tags

You can find our tips of what to consider here.

2. Understand incomplete tasks

Investigate where people get stuck and educate or adapt processes. 

Conduct user research: understand better why they get stuck. 

3. Create awareness and promote content

Propose to use the Guide feature/add more guides since users seem to have issues

Promote certain Guides / consider an internal training / simplifying certain tasks.

Good to know

  • When you remove an application URL, tags will no longer be tracked but still appear in Task Success overview. Remember to manually delete or reselect these tags.
  • The % of all users indicator starts to be populated after a significant number of users is reached. This is in relation to all Users as indicated in the Engagement section.
  • At least one interaction is needed for a new Tag to appear in the All Tags list.
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