How to create good Tags

Why use it

A Tag marks a single element that should be tracked to measure a user interaction within the customer application. 

It is connected to HEART analytics, which enables businesses to track and improve digital adoption. 

  • To learn more about Tags in Userlane, check the following section on Tags in the Editor. 
  • To find out more about understanding the impact, opportunities, and risks regarding underlying application usage, please check the following section on HEART.  

Before setting up Tags

  • To work with Tags, the Advanced analyticsoption must be enabled in the Analytics setting menu located in the Portal.
    • Check with your team the webpages where you wish not to have analytics running and update the exceptions before enabling Advanced analytics.

  • Research the processes within your organization and how they are completed with the help of the underlying application.

  • Find out which elements (e.g., buttons) emphasize the best way to process completion.

    • are they located on multiple webpages? Do you need to differentiate the elements per language?

How to create good Tags

1. Use Tags to understand how many times a process is started and how many times it has ended. (Start button vs Submit button).

2. Place tags along a process (Onboarding) to access where users are dropping off.

3 Understand if the users are still accessing the wrong/deprecated section/button/functionality to correct the behaviour.

4. When creating Tags, Userlane will automatically assign a name to each Tag. We recommend deciding on a name structure as early as possible. In that way, you can easily navigate later to the Tags list view which will contain dozens of entries.


naming menu for tooltip

5. If you wish to track an element on a single page or multiple pages, use page segmentation.

6. If your website is multilingual, and you wish to track the user interactions with a single button available in different languages, create two different Tags, and use the Content Selector for each of them to track only elements that contain words in the respective language. 

After you set up Tags

Access the Task Success page  in the Portal to understand how users interact with the tagged elements. 

If you wish to track another element, we recommend first deactivating the ones you do not want to have tracked anymore, and creating a new one from the beginning so that the tracking data does not get mixed.

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