Release Note - User and team (settings) export

What is new

You can now export the list from two "Settings" pages: Team and User.

You can use Team export to track what apps your colleagues have access to. On the other hand, use User export to track easier which uploaded user is still pending or who should be invited again or removed from your user list. We have also added the pagination to the User's table and you can load (and export) 200 rows per page. 

How to find it

Settings > Team

Settings > Users 

ℹ️ Keep in mind that you can only export what you see on the page. Extend the "items per page" to 200 rows for smaller amount of pages. Moreover, in your Google sheet  or Excel, you can use the "Import" option followed by "Append to this sheet" when importing results from multiple pages to one sheet. 

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