Manage & Publish

Learn more about publishing options and customization.


Add and manage multiple languages
Boost user engagement with Userlane's language management tools. Edit, translate, and export texts easily. Create, publish, and archive languages for a personalized experience.
Userlane Assistant Help
Enhance user support with Assistant Help. Add links to resources, customize button and image. Activate and empower users seamlessly. Get started now!
How to test your Guides before publishing
Efficiently test your Userlane Guides with preview mode, link sharing, staging environment, and attribute segmentation. Ensure a smooth user experience.
Userlane Assistant Checklist
Ensure visibility of Userlane with our checklist. Learn how to load Userlane correctly, set up targeting settings, enable Userlane for your app, handle blocking issues, and more.
Share Guides directly with a link
Learn how to use a link to trigger Guides with unique IDs. Customize the URL or use JavaScript triggers. Find all the details and examples here.
Promote your Guides
Highlight important app processes & features with Userlane's Guide Promotion feature. Users see a pop-up near the Assistant avatar, deciding to start or close it. Find the setting in the Userlane Portal. Best practices included.
Copy Guides between multiple applications
Copy Guides from one application to another within Userlane Portal. Learn what's included, permissions required, and how to perform the copy. Language mapping options available.