Release Note - Task Success

14 February 2023

What’s new

Now you can easily find out if users are interacting with important parts of your application! 

This metric will help you understand if users are interacting with tasks and interesting elements to be aware if users complete tasks or interact with important features easily and efficiently.

This will enable you to tag in your Editor elements you want to track. After tagging we start measuring the usage of the specific elements/features in your underlying app.

When to use this?

For example, you can tag elements like “submit” button, “save”, “finish” or anything that indicates an important interaction. With this you will understand:

  • What percentage of your user base is doing tasks/interacting with these important elements?
  • Are important parts of your app being used? 
  • How many users interact with your killer feature?

After learning that a part of your application is not used enough, you can promote it with Userlane content options and track if this is changing the usage metrics. This helps in making data-driven decisions, especially if you do not have the possibility to add your own analytics solution to an application.

How to find this?

In Portal: Userlane Portal > Heart analytics > Task success
In Editor: Create > New Tag

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