How to optimize content for the Userlane AI Assistant

How does the AI Assistant find content?

When a user interacts with the AI Assistant chat interface, the AI Assistant can offer Userlane Guides as a response to assist the user in completing their task. But how will the AI Assistant know which Guide is relevant to the users query?

The AI Assistant searches through Guide content to find the most relevant Guide to answer the users question. In order to do so as accurately as possible and improve performance, the Userlane AI Assistant will only search through the Guide Title, Intro Slide Title, and Intro Slide content.

The Intro Slide is the first step in a Guide that typically provides a short summary as to the Guides focus and is not attached to any UI element of the underlying application. The task or purpose of the Guide is typically present in these text areas of Guides, so we have refined the AI Assistants focus to search only here.

Guidelines and Best Practices

To help you optimize your Guides for the AI Assistant, we have compiled the guidelines and best practices below. Use these to review your existing content and adapt the texts as necessary or to guide you when creating new content. 

Guide Title

  • Craft the title of your Guide after the task it is meant to support users with

    • For example, ‘Create a new lead’

  • Use action verbs as the first word in your Guide title to make it clear the Guide is to help users perform a task

    • Alternatively, begin your Guide titles with ‘How to…’ 

Intro Slide Title

  • Mirror the Guide title to ensure it is clear that both the Guide and Intro Slide titles refer to completing the same task.

Intro Slide Text

  • Use direct language that speaks to the user and explains the task that the Guide supports

    • For example, ‘This Guide shows you how to create a new opportunity in Salesforce.’

  • Sometimes it might be useful to clarify in which situations this Guide can be useful

    • For example, 'For existing customers, new opportunities are necessary for Upsells and Expansions.'

Multi-Language Use Cases

Can users write to the AI Assistant in any language?

Yes, users can write to the AI Assistant in any language and it will respond to them in that language as well. However, the language of the Guides it returns is determined by the language detection checklist described here.

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