E-Mail Invitation based Browser Extension Rollout

 Learn how to organize the Userlane rollout, manage user access, and enhance user profiles for targeted engagement.

About User Import for Third-Party Applications

The user import feature allows you to upload a list of your users that can use Userlane via the browser extension. This not only allows you to address all your users easily but also enables user-group-specific targeting. 

When to use it

There are different use cases why you should import your users: 

  1. Single Activation: Test Userlane with some users only
  2. Complete Rollout: The first rollout for all users
  3. Segmentation
  4. Maintenance

For each use case, you need a CSV or Excel file with your users. 

Prepare the CSV/Excel File for Import

To upload a list of users, you'll need a file in CSV or Excel format (.csv or .xlsx) with their email addresses and optional attributes. You can either ask your tech department for the file or create it yourself.

  • In the file, each row represents one user. 
  • The first row should contain column headers for email and any custom attributes. 
  • The email column is the identifier and must have the header "email." Email addresses need to be entered in all lowercase letters. 
    • If ID is your identifier, it should be used instead of email.
  • The column headers must be the same as the ones you set up as attributes. The order of columns doesn't matter, and you can skip columns during the import process.
  • Please remove any formatting.


Example: Table Sheet

Example: Converted into a CSV file


Single Activation: test Userlane only with some users

Roll out Userlane only for specific test users via:

  1. Self-Invitation: Your employees can register themselves with their working email address via https://family.userlane.com/mll if the working email domain is registered in Userlane (ask your Customer Success Manager if you are not sure). Then they’ll receive a confirmation email with their Userlane access. 

  2. Uploading: You can create a short test user list to send the email invite directly to those test users only. You can upload new Users by selecting Settings > Company Users - Add Users


Rollout Userlane to all users

If you plan to roll Userlane out for the first time to all your users, you can import a complete user list and trigger the invitation mail to all users at once. You can upload new Users by selecting Settings > Company Users - Add Users

In the uploading process, you have the choice to: 

  • Invite all your users automatically: After this process, all your imported users will receive an invitation email to activate their accounts.

  • Finish the user upload without the invitation for now: In this case, you can send the email invites to all users later under  Settings > Company Users - Send Invite.

After adding the users you’ll see all the uploaded users with their status in the User overview.


Segmentation: Target your users with specific content

You can use custom user attributes to define user segments that should see specific content (e.g. a chapter that is only useful for admins). To do this: 

  1. Create a segmentation concept: to have a clear plan of who should see which tours and how you’ll differentiate between users.

  2. Create the attributes you decided to use from the Portal under Account > Global Settings: you can also do this during the import process.

  3. Create your user CSV/Excel file with the respective attributes. 

  4. Follow the import process and match the attributes in the Portal with those in your list. You can create now the attributes that are still not in your Portal.

  5. Create your user segments: using the attributes you create you can now create your user segments (aka. user groups).

  6. Apply your user segments: once this is done, only the users within those segments will have access to the Guides/chapters you applied the segmentation.

✅ Good to know 

  • The users you import will be called Company Users.
  • You can use any attributes of these users to group them in the Segment section. Find out more about how to show different chapters/Guides for other user groups
  • After importing and inviting your users, you will see your new Users only in the Settings > Company Users section, but not in the Segment - Users section. The User overview in the Segment section only shows users that opened the application after they activated Userlane.  Once a user activates the browser extension via the invitation email and accesses one of your applications, they will also appear in the Segment section.



1. Understand Status

After uploading a user list you’ll see the status of each user under  Settings > Company Users.

  • Imported: the user is already uploaded but isn’t invited yet. 

  • Pending: the user already received the invitation mail, but didn’t confirm yet. 

  • Active: the user already completed the Userlane browser extension activation via email within at least one browser and can now use Userlane in the software.

  • Created: the user was created via SSO and becomes active once going to the application and seeing Userlane.

2. Change Status

If you want to change this status, you can 

  • (re-) invite individual users by clicking on the options (three little dots) next to the user and choosing “Activate”.

  • Invite all imported users at once by clicking on Send Invite and choosing to Send to imported users.

  • Re-invite all your pending users at once by clicking on Send Invite, and choosing to Resend to pending users. This action will only address pending users who have not been sent an email invite within 48 hours.

  • Terminate access for individual users by clicking at the options (three little dots) next to the user and choosing Delete. This will prevent them from seeing Userlane.

3. Change Attributes for users

  • Create your user CSV/Excel file with the respective attributes and upload it under Settings > Company Users

    • This file is the same style as the one used for the initial invitation as described in How it works but with the updated list of users and/or attributes

4. Inviting new Users later on

  • Regularly promote magic link https://family.userlane.com/mll to allow for self-invitation
  • Manually re-invite users via uploading of users under Settings > Company Users

✅ Good to know 

What happens when a user has a new device? 
  • If a browser profile has been saved and is activated again, Userlane is still available. No further action needed.
  • If a browser profile was not saved, Userlane is not available anymore.
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