Cross-Origin iFrame support in Userlane

What is a Cross-Origin iFrame

A Cross-Origin iFrame is a section of your application (your page) hosted on a different domain or server and injected into your application via an iFrame element.

What is it used for

Another application can be displayed within another application in a dedicated section of the page without the need to open it in a separate tab. 

Installation for Snippet customers 

Cross-Origin iFrame support is available for customers implementing Userlane with a snippet.  The Userlane code (userlane.js) needs to be implemented in the main application, and the application added via the iFrame. 

To activate the Editor for the iFrame section, the domain of the iFrame application needs to be added to the Userlane Portal. 

Support for Browser Extension customers 

We support the cross-origin Iframes in the Userlane Browser Extension as well. No further implementation is required; ensure that the URL of the iFrame application is added to the App URL list in the Userlane Portal. Check out how to set up your application URL here

ℹ️ To activate the support for Cross-Origin iFrames, please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager. 


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